On 1/18/2011 12:17 PM, Drmgiver wrote:
> So, I have spent many years with Ubuntu, but I just recently fell in
> love with WindowMaker.  Learning a bit about it I have found out that it
> isn't used very often any longer.  But I am curious if anyone out there
> knows of any distro who uses it by default?

To me, it's almost a little incongruous to think of a classic window
manager like Window Maker (or JWM, TWM, or my preferred FVWM, etc) as a
"default" distribution component, since all of these act independently
of the desktop integration aimed at by popular modern distributions.
Puppy Linux uses (at my last encounter, ca 4.0) JWM as a default.  If
you uncheck the gnome box when installing Red Hat, you'll fall back to TWM.

Instead, the classic bare window managers represent what I like most
about running Linux. They are components as much as is your web browser
or mail client, but usually invite (or require, in the case of FVWM) a
very deep level of customization on which to fine-tune one's work
environment.  That's what I see as a poor fit for distributions in
general --  a  distribution, pretty much by definition, makes decisions
about software inclusion to address either a very specific set of needs,
or more commonly the most general set possible.  In either case though,
it's directed at specific/broad *groups of users*. In contrast, the
classic window managers are better suited to selection & use by an
individual who really understands his or her specific needs, keyboarding
habits, window arrangement preferences, etc.

My $0.02,
Michael Berkowski
Minitex  / MnLINK Linux Systems Administrator and Programmer
University of Minnesota
mjb at umn.edu
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