On Thu, Jan 06, 2011 at 03:12:34PM -0600, r j wrote:
> I am working on a Fedora 14 machine.
>  I am running a Lamp (php) server.
> I am running into issues with selinux reporting
> warnings that httpd is attempting to access variables in my template files.
> When I correct the issues using the selinux context manager they repear when
> my httpd is restarted.
> I follow the command inputs to make the allow behavor the default and get
> errors as well.
> When I change selinux  to permissive mode with echo 0 > /selinux/enforce.

IIRC you can only tighten SELinux enforcement, not loosen it.  So you
need to boot with SELinux in permissive mode.

> It still blocks template compiling and generates errors.
> This is causing my smarty template system to fail.
> Any help or advice would be great.

Do a 'cat /var/log/audit/audit.log | audit2allow' to see (in a more
readable format) what apache is actually try to do.  Then you might
want to generate a custom policy (read the audit2allow manual) to
permit that, if it is acceptable to you.


Bruce Schneier expects the Spanish Inquisition.
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