On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 10:49:22AM -0600, Scott Downing wrote:
> [snip] how well does 32bit software run on the 64 bit systems?

Very well, once you have the compat-32 libraries installed.

> What's the current state of 64bit in linux?

Solid and actually preferred due to additional space for stack and
heap randomization, use of the NX (no execute) bit for stack.  The
code size is larger, but you get to use 8 general purpose registers,
as well as get better HW acceleration for crypto or RAID.

Not to mention the ability to use more than 2/3/4 GB in a non-hackish

> Should I try or is it not worth it yet?

It depends.  If the current servers are working, don't mess with them.
If you need to provision new ones, go for it.


Bruce Schneier expects the Spanish Inquisition.
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