On Wed, 27 Apr 2011, Yaron wrote:

> I dunno, I don't really believe these kind of announcements unless I see 
> THREE emails about it.

A few weeks of preparatory announcments helped to convince me.  First I 
heard that an announcement might be coming, then there was a lot more 
excitement (from one person) about the announcement being imminent.  Then 
there was an announcement, and that was followed up by a confirmatory 
repetition of the announcement.

Now, finally, after the third announcement in one day I understand what 
all the commotion is about -- the version number is 13.37 which is script 
kiddy lingo for leet, short for elite.  So the excited user is finally 
going to become elite today.  Well, that is a big step and we all should 
congratulate him.

It's nice to hear that we "will appreciate the performance and stability 
that can only come with careful and rigorous testing."  I just ran Ubuntu 
for a full year without rebooting (I guess we have annual power failures). 
That's stable enough.  I also think Ubuntu is elite enough for me, but I'm 
not very discerning and my wife loves me anyway.
