On Thu, 11 Mar 2010, Scott Raun wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 08:35:56AM -0600, Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:
>> Really, how many people send you messages with a different Reply-To: 
>> header? It's valid; but unusual in practice and would tend to make me 
>> suspicious.
> I do it occasionally.  But when I do it, I'm setting the Reply-To to the 
> address for another club's monthly newsletter, and I'm asking for some 
> kind of update.  It's pretty obvious what I'm doing and why. (Not to 
> mention the fact that I make it widely known 'if the info isn't in THAT 
> mailbox, it doesn't make it into the newsletter, even if I do know it 
> for some other reason'.)

I used to do it, and I had a good reason.  Email always went to my account 
on campus, but a copy of every incoming message always went from there to 
my gmail account.  When I was using my handheld device, and at rare other 
times, I would send from the gmail account and Bcc to my university 
computer, but I would also use Reply-To so that replies would go to my 
university computer (I also had "From" set up as my university account, 
but gmail always added "Sender," which could throw off some MUAs).  If the 
messages didn't go there, and went directly to gmail instead, they would 
not make it to my university machine and I would probably never see them. 
So that all made sense, but...

All of my list subscriptions were to the university machine where I read 
my email, so I had no reason to receive list traffic to the Reply-To 
address, and didn't even want it to go there.  So for me, at that time, it 
probably would have been better to have Reply-To munging from the list.
