On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 10:56 PM, Yaron <tclug at freakzilla.com> wrote:
> I did install the OS on a flashdrive, then create a netboot initrd image, copy
> those all to a PXE server, and actually got the thing to boot. It goes pretty
> far but then it hangs.

Congrats on getting this far, remote booting of full distros is an
interesting proposition to say the least.

> I'm not sure at what point it's hanging, since I can't login and look at logs.

May I suggest redirecting the kernel logs to a TTY?  I did this many
moons ago, and I vaguely remember how.  On Ubuntu, look at the file
/etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf.  You may have to play with it, but try
adding a line like:

*.* /dev/tty3

To dump ALL logging to console tty3.  Then you can watch the bootup
and perhaps get a useful log message.
