On 08/31 10:20 , Daniel Taylor wrote:
> ed lives on, though to my knowledge nobody uses it outside of vi colon mode.

I do remember some years ago, when Linux on S/390 mainframes was a new and
buzzworthy thing, reading the mailing list for it and seeing a greybeard
recount solving a problem with a broken terminal emulation (S/390s not
having a real 'console', and especially not having one that acted like
anything more than a teletype) wherein he said something like 'I remembered
enough of ed from the days before vi to edit the file and fix the problem'. 

I think I might even have done the same thing or something similar to solve
the same problem once, when I was playing with Linux for the S/390 using the
Hercules emulator.

Every once in a while, knowing how to solve a problem the hard way comes in

Carl Soderstrom
Systems Administrator
Real-Time Enterprises