On Thu, 19 Aug 2010, Harry Penner wrote:

> I'm making sweeping generalizations because although it may seem like a 
> small technical issue it's subject to the same basic laws of 
> governmental intervention as anything else.

What are the "basic laws of governmental intervention?"  You don't seem 
like much of an expert to me, but maybe you can refer me to a text book on 
this subject.  Is this something that all experts in econ/poli-sci agree 
on or is this just an idea that you are trying to promote in opposition to 
the views of many experts?

> Of course regulation is a double-edged sword.  Some helps keep us safe, 
> and some helps make us miserable.  But all of it restricts our choices, 
> because that's what regulations are designed to DO.

If a government regulation prevents a corporation from poisoning your 
drinking water and crippling you or killing your children, you actually 
end up with more choices than you would have had if there had been no 

A regulation restricts some entity from doing something, but it might 
restrict someone from limiting your choices (e.g., by killing you or 
poisoning your land).
