Isaac Atilano wrote:
>> Harry:  When AT&T ruled the airwaves, did the government step in and 
>> restrict those airwaves even more?  Or did we get the CarterPhone 
>> decision that gave us choices on how our airwaves, that we own, were 
>> used?  The FCC isn't seeking to restrict us.  It's seeking to restrict 
>> the corporate thugs.
>> Tom
> Unfortunately, that's not always the case. Take, for example the case of
> the Broadcast Flag where it was demanded by the FCC that devices follow
> rules to thwart piracy. This is at the expense of our freedom to
> manufacture and buy hardware that can otherwise have legitimate use.
> _______________________________________________
> TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
> tclug-list at
Good point.  The FCC wasn't the culprit, though.  It was the RIAA.  
There was an exemption written into their proposal in a footnote, as I 
recall, that exempted their computers.  Luckily, the tech manufacturing 
industry decided it was a loser for them, if they bought into it.