On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 5:53 PM, Mike Miller <mbmiller at taxa.epi.umn.edu> wrote:
> I've been running my own mail server but it looks like I may have to forgo
> the pleasure of continuing with that.  How easy is it to use Gmail as the
> server but continue to use Alpine, as always, on my Ubuntu box?
> I have a bunch of procmail recipies to sort the incoming messages.  I
> assume there is a way to use something like fetchmail to grab everthing
> coming into gmail, pull it through procmail and sort it into inboxes, as
> always.  Is that right?  Have you done it?
> I'm wondering if Gmail's "discussion" system of organizing messages will
> cause problems.  Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance!
> Mike
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GMail offers both POP3 and IMAP access, to any client can work with
it.  You won't necessarily be able to seamlessly use some of the
features if you go back and forth between mutt and the web interface,
but it will certainly work, and if you stick to mutt it will be the
same as any other server.

Tony Yarusso