I've been reading a little more about revision control.  It seems pretty 
clear that the major holy war of the day is between Mercurial (a.k.a., hg) 
and Git.  Subversion is another good one but is seen as being from an 
earlier generation.  This is should not reflect negatively on Adam's talk, 
which I will definitley enjoy greatly, because all of the fundamental 
code-management issues have to be discussed and those issues apply to all 
revision control programs.

Every article or blog post on revision control software that allows 
comments is followed by a little battle back-and-forth between git and hg 
adherents.  I guess we should call it a tie.  This article makes the git 
system sound a little more appealing to me as a lover of the 
GNU/Linux/UNIX command line:


But the things I'm seeing make all of these programs sound kinda hard to 
use.  I'm looking forward to Adam's talk because I know he'll help me to 
understand all of the issues a lot better.
