On Tue, 30 Sep 2008, Isaac Atilano wrote:

> I personally agree with Josh but I'd like to point out where I think RMS
> is coming from.
> To him proprietary software is 'evil.'

Did he actually write somewhere that it was "evil."  I think I can find 
pages where he has written that DRM is evil.  I think he says that there 
are evil effects of proprietary software but I don't think he would say 
that it is evil to produce software with a proprietary license.  I could 
easily be wrong though.  Also, I wouldn't take the word "evil" too 
seriously because it is often used as a loose shorthand for "something 
that isn't good for us."

> This is a philosophical position
> which brings up questions such as:
> "To what extent does my use of proprietary software make me a
> participant in evil?"
> "To what extent does my promotion of a system that makes an evil program
> available to others make me a participant in evil?"
> "Should we have the liberty to chose something that is evil?"
> Through his words and actions, I think he's shown where he stands on
> these questions.
> Not everyone has to agree with RMS and not everyone does.
> Even though I disagree with RMS on a philosophical level, I agree with
> him on a pragmatic level in that it is in our best interest as a free
> society to promote the use of free software and discourage the use of
> proprietary software.

I think he has found that taking an extreme position is necessary for him 
if he's going to make progress in getting people to be like you and me.
