Similar experience here. Upgraded to Fedora 9 a while ago... and hated KDE 4. Stuck with it a while, through the bug release updates, hoping it would get better. It hasn't. It still sucks. The KDE 3.5 that I'm running on another Ubuntu system is _far_ better than this mess. Without even going into all the details of the little things that are wrong with KDE 4, I can't even find a stable combination. On Fedora 9, this thing completely hangs the X server out of the blue about once a week. Immensely frustrating. I'm done with Fedora. On top of the buggy KDE release, it seems like every single patch update they push completely breaks my system one way or another. Ever version upgrade is a day long mis-adventure of trying to make my system boot and use the monitors again. Some day soon, when I'm ready for the pain of a complete reinstall on this system, I'll be switching it to Ubuntu. Hopefully they still offer KDE 3.5 in the latest Ubuntu? I haven't tried it yet. It's funny how Fedora has slowly gone from one of if not the best distributions, to its current state. Meanwhile, Ubuntu has just rocketed to the top.