Check out their bargain bin specials:  It
looks like they still have a couple left for 59.99 a month.  I wouldn't be
too worried about the bandwith, they provide some bandwith monitoring tools,
and buying an extra TB of bandwith a month isn't the end of the world if its
needed ($50 extra, not as outrageous as some companies charge).

I assume I get to have root permissions on my leased box.

You get complete root access to the machine, and for the most part they
don't care what you do with it (read the fine print for restrictions).

I've looked around quite a bit for hosting services, and this has been one
of the better deals for what you get, and their service has always been

On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 9:31 AM, Mike Miller <mbmiller at>wrote:

> On Wed, 12 Nov 2008, Andy Schmid wrote:
> > I'm not sure what you're looking for, or what your price range is, but I
> > have found that leasing a server can be a far better deal than
> > collocating your own.  I currently lease a server from for
> > around $60 a month.  That gets me a dedicated server (not a shared
> > virtual machine, an actual box), 1TB of traffic a month, 10Mbps
> > dedicated up/down connection, 5 static IP addresses, and your os of
> > choice.
> That sounds pretty good, but I guess their prices have gone up:
> If I were to run email distribution lists from there, that could add up to
> a lot of bandwidth, I guess.  I assume that email bandwidth costs the same
> as other kinds of bandwidth.
> I assume I get to have root permissions on my leased box.
> Mike
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