On Mon, Mar 03, 2008 at 04:18:39PM -0600, Bret Baptist wrote:
> On Monday 03 March 2008 3:32:35 pm J Cruit wrote:
> > I'd try IPHouse
> >
> > On 3/3/08, ben usenetalias <ben.usenet.alias at gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi All,
> > > that will allow me to operate in bridged mode on a static ip
> > > without using PPPoE.
> Just a heads up that IPHouse uses PPPoA for their connections.  You are going 
> to have a really hard time finding someone that will hook you up with a new 
> connection that uses bridged mode.  However, the 678 will do PPPoA so that 
> should not be a problem for you.

I moved to Sprint land two years ago, and was dreading the change.
However, I was pleasantly surprised at how decent my DSL through Sprint
(err, i guess Embarq), has been.  The only real downside is that they
require an actual phone line (no "naked dsl").  But, on the up side,
they use bridged mode. 

When I had qwest/visi, I was able to basically fake bridge mode by
creating a local network between my cisco 678 and my firewall.  The
cisco 678 gets no external IP (it doesn't need one, turns out, the ISP
shoves the packets down the pipe whether the modem wants them or not).
Then, you give your public IP to the firewall, as well as a local IP so
that it can talk to the 678.  Worked out well enough, if not a little
bit of a kludge.  

Ah, yes, I wrote up the method here:
