I've had a Cingular / ATT 3g Card for a couple of years now.. It depends SO
MUCH on your physical location. Only recently has it started to consistently
connect to a "3G" source here in Edina, MN.  (I assume they have a fallback
to GPRS only when not near a 3g source). You might want to check with a
local LUG. My company has contractors in Texas and AZ and there the Verizon
cards are WAY faster than Cingular cards.  I have an Option GT MAX Qualcom
3g CDMA for the record.
Right now my laptop runs Vista. ( I know, but all my servers and my desktop
run RHEL or Fedora) so I couldn't tell you about compat. issues. When not in
3g mode it is nearly unusable for my email (Scalix) or even ssh.. I thought
i'd be able to use it to work well at Detroit Lakes this summer, but no such
luck. (ended up leaching a neighbors unsecured WiFi.)

Christopher Smith
Sysadmin.. Linux User since 1997.

On Jan 16, 2008 2:43 PM, Harv Nelson <ai9nl at arrl.net> wrote:

> I'm out in nevada/arizona camping on the dessert ... I'm sick of
> chasing back to town to go to the library to do email.  do any of you
> have experience with an air card from either ATT, or Sprint?, or
> whatever company? so far I'm finding that many of the USB units they
> want to sell me won't work with our system only bill's stuff or MAC.
> any pointers, suggestions or tips are welcome.
> thanks,
> washburn, wi
> currently in
> lasvegas,nv
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"The gun... insures that the people are the equal of their government
whenever that government forgets that it is servant and not master of the

Ronald Reagan
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