On 29 Feb 2008 17:15:17 -0600
duff0097 at umn.edu wrote:

> Any good recommendations on this?
> Supposedly the OS shouldn't really matter. But I've had issues with
> the screen not coming back up after switching back and forth.
> I have a Compaq one, maybe I just got unlucky.

Yeah - luck seems to be a factor - the low-end ones are usually
poorly documented, especially on linux friendliness.  My main problem
has been the monitor, it's been the mouse.  I still get absolute
crazy mouse jumping behavior all over the place on one KVM, and on
another if I switch to Windows then back to Linux my mouse wheel is
gone until I reboot.  Very annoying.

If you find one you like, please report back, I'd like to know.
Sorry couldn't give more help.

Thanks and good luck,
