
My name is Adam, and I'm a GNU/Linux and FLOSS enthusiast. I'm new to
the Twin Cities; here for at least as long as it takes me to get a
master's in computer science (at umn.edu). I'm "meonkeys" in the IRC
channel. My day job is software engineering at http://mifos.org ,
working to help end world poverty by providing software to banks who
offer microloans.

Would anyone like to meet up for lunch tomorrow somewhere in downtown
Minneapolis? I'll be on IRC today (with the nick: "meonkeys"). If there
is interest, I'll reply to this post with location and time.

I'd like to give a talk at the next meeting, or whenever. Some ideas:
* the quicksort algorithm: step by step
* Vim (advanced usage, useful plugins)
* Subversion (built-in merge tracking, or svnmerge.py)
* Squeak (smalltalk dev and Seaside)
* Selenium (Web-based automation and testing)
* FLOSS licensing
* Disk encryption in GNU/Linux with cryptsetup and LUKS

Adam Monsen
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