On Wed, 21 Feb 2007, Sean Waite wrote: > I have purchased almost exclusively from Microcenter for the past couple > years now CD/DVD+R due to their significantly lower price. The last time > I was there a few weeks back they seemed to no longer carry them, but I > have been buying a 50-pack of Philips DVD+R 8x for $14 now for some > time. This while most places were selling them at $30-40. In fact a year > or so ago Circuit City had the same item for $20 more. I do need to get some DVD+R disks for my laptop because that's all it can handle. Everything else I own does both + and -. I know what you mean about prices. It is really a strange phenomenon. Not many products show that kind of variability across time/place, especially not something as fungible as disks -- it should work more like gasoline. What's up with that? I have heard that MPAA and RIAA have had some involvement in manipulating media prices, but I don't know about that. Something is odd though. Mike