I'd also recommend vector linux (http://vectorlinux.com/) I use it on 
all my old systems and it works great.  The slower the system the slower 
they are to start apps but once they are running they work great.


Brian D. Ropers-Huilman wrote:
> On 4/12/07, G. Scott Walters <gscottwalters at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I could install Debian minimal install, but that's too easy. Any other
>> smaller distros around? Anyone try DSL linux? What other stuff is out
>> there?
> I would throw Gentoo into the ring as well. You can do a binary
> install now out of the gate. You can pare the kernel down to the bare
> minimum, like-wise with services; caveat emptor here is that if you
> want "advanced" services functionality, you end up doing it yourself,
> but that's part of the fun. As has already been mentioned, running a
> lighter weight window manager makes a _huge_ difference. I'm very
> happy with fluxbox, but have been known to still fire up fvwm2 from
> time to time.