On 8/31/06, arunanchal behera <chal.arun at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi all
> i want to learn more about the mail server can u suggest any book or
> site for that

Any particular server or feature?

I personally use Postfix.  It's a fairly light, secure-by-default mail
server that does almost anything you'd need it to.  I'd recommend
"Postfix: The definitive Guide" from O'Reilly, the No Starch version
is pretty good too.  There's plenty of good info on the web as well.
I'm guessing you're new to the fundamentals of e-mail, so I recommend
a book to get your feet wet.

Sendmail and Qmail are other great server products, again with plenty
of great books and web docs.  I find Sendmail to be a little bloated
for my use and Qmail just plain weird, but they're both great options
depending on what you're doing.
