about the current crop of desktops...  all my home Linux boxes are
Pentium I - III machines):
Intel(r) Core=992 Duo E6400
Intel(r) Q965 Chipset with DDR2 and Intel(r) Core=99 Duo support

I didn't have any luck installing Ubuntu 6.06.1, and from what I've
found via Google, it seems that I'm pretty much outta luck until
kernel 2.6.18 makes its way into a mainstream distro.  I'd really
rather not be stuck with windoze for the next couple months until that
happens.  Any ideas?  At any rate, I can't spend too much time trying
to get my OS of choice up and running, since I kinda sorta have work
to do.

It's a bit off-topic, but if I *do* end up having to live with windows
for a while, does anyone have any good tips for coping with a Windows
desktop?  I found a decent virtual desktop pager, but I still miss my
middle-click-to-paste, changing window stacking via the mouse (e.g.,
middle-click the title bar of a window in pretty much any window
manager to move it below other windows), etc.
