On Tue, May 16, 2006 at 11:11:46PM -0500, Tim Link wrote:
> But, as I read the posts on this list, it appears that Debian has
> found it's way into the hearts of many as far as it being a preferred
> distro for servers. Why is this the case? 

The reason I really like Debian is because it's an install once distro.
You never have to reboot the system and upgrade it with a CD.  You just
keep upgrading the software in-place and restarting services as needed.

> If the concensus is that it just really doesn't matter at
> all which distro to use on a server, that will be enough for
> me.  Thanks.

It really is just a matter of taste.  If you don't have the time to
learn the ins and outs of a new distro, stick with what you're familiar
