On Mar 27, 2006, at 5:30 AM, Sean Waite wrote:

> A friend passed along this contract offer, and to say the least I  
> was a bit taken back by what was being offered. Below is what was
> listed for the contract proposal. Now here is what is rather  
> amusing, the project is budgeted for $500-1000. Is it just me or is  
> this
> ridiculously low? Problem is I am seeing this all over. Has IT work  
> just become so meaningless these days or what?

As someone working on several PHP based application projects and has  
been turned down on many pitches, people don't seem to understand the  
number of hours that go into this stuff. They have a project and what  
they want to spend and I have no idea if they find someone to do this  
stuff for the price or what. I do know that in many of the forums I  
hang out in (sitepoint, webhostingtalk, etc) you can find people  
trying to make edits to code they contracted out and it's a freaking  
mess and so insecure and buggy that you think they must have hired  
some yahoo that doesn't understand web dev security to do it for  
pennies on the hour.

As for this specific project, it seems that they could get most of  
this setup with an opensource project management app. In the end  
though, setting up a "very secure Linux RHE SSL" server would eat up  
this budget.
