New TCLUG Review 

Category: Software

Subject: Spellbound for FireFox

I'm running MEPIS with FireFox 1.5 as my web browser, and have just started blogging at Blog-City. The problem is that I can't spell worth spit! The fix is a great program/extension for FireFox called 'Spellbound' to be found at

Follow the install instruction for the program and the Mozilla libraries; they will both show up on the 'extensions' list after the install, but the selected dictionary won't. It can only be seen in the spell check text window.

The program works great, but in order to get the dictionary to install,(you select one from a list a mile long), you must first insure that your user account has write access to the 'application component directory'. I accomplished this by logging in as root and then downloading the appropriate dictionary. The effect was global for all users on my system. If you do not do this, then no dictionary will be indicated in the spell check window even though it reported itself as have been successfully installed.

By the way, the spell check icon, (an ABC with a check mark), won't automatically show up on your tool bar in Firefox after you install the program. To get it go to the View- Toolbars-customize list and scroll down the group of icons to find it, then drag it to your toolbar!

To spell check content, use the icon, (it will become colored if text is present), or right click when you have you cursor in the text box and select 'check spelling' from the drop down  list. The text with will be copied to another window where you can complete the normal spell checking procedures.

This is a great little spell checker, and as you can works!