"Wayne Johnson" <wjohnson at mqsoftware.com>  wrote:
> I did make the proposal (which is what started this thread), and the
> TCLUG leaders responded with this poll.

The way I read your original email was to request discussion or
"reconsideration" as you put it.  That is exactly what we had; well
more of a flame-war, in any case.

Web-based, anonymous pools can be skewed by forged votes relatively
easily.  I do not know who wrote the poll software and what
precautions were made to prevent multiple votes from the same person,
but using SSH tunnelling via multiple workstations would easily give
someone multiple IP addresses from which to "vote" in the poll.

Since members of the email list must have a voice in this, not
anonymous people from the Internet, and since only members can post to
the list without moderation, the list is the proper place to do the
vote.  Granted, this would generate a lot of one-liner emails, but
your access control and membership is already established.  Since
votes do not come up often, I don't think anything more formalized or
automated is really necessary.

If you can all agree that a 10% quorum for a simple majority vote is
sufficient to express the opinions of the list, and because it appears
that the proposal thread "Proposal: Lift Yahoo! Ban"  has been made by
John T. Hoffoss in Message-ID:
<914f813c0606270857g196bd42fm1693cde28832035a at mail.gmail.com>, let the
vote begin.

Bob, what is the official number of members on the list?

Chad Walstrom <chewie at wookimus.net>           http://www.wookimus.net/
           assert(expired(knowledge)); /* core dump */