On Sun, 4 Jun 2006, Pete Daniels wrote:

> 1. Don't use the partition editor in the installer.  Use gparted first, 
> then run install.

I was thinking of installing Ubuntu as a second OS on a WinXP x64 machine. 
So do I run Ubuntu from the Desktop CD, open a terminal window and type 
"gparted" on the command line?  Or do I have to download gparted 
separately (gparted live CD?).  Will it be tricky to understand how to use 
that -- I haven't used gparted before.  Can anyone recommend a good source 
on how to use gparted to create a partition for Linux without messing up 
Windows data?

Does the partition editor not work at all or does it damage things?

> 2. The screensaver on the Live CD must be turned off before installation 
> begins.  (I bet some poor dev's smacking their forehead over that 
> one...)

That's an annoying bug -- thanks for figuring that out.
