On 9/5/05, Shawn Fertch <sfertch at gmail.com> wrote:

>  The intresting part was that the drive was reading 99% full.  In talking to
> him, he said that he had no more than 20GB of data total on it.  More of a
> side note I guess on this.

An indication of a failing file system probably.

>  After about 20 minutes, I wasn't able to read the drive again.  Back in the
> freezer for another 20 minutes.  Back into the system.  On bootup, I started
> to get a musical type tone from the harddrive.  I was able to read it for
> about 10 minutes, then it started in with the musical tones again anytime it
> was accessed.  Couldn't get anymore data off at that time.

Congrats on getting the freezer trick to work, I've never been that lucky.

>  Is this something that I can try and put a different controller board on
> and see if I can access it?  Or, is it completely dead now?

Maybe, but if the freezer trick works you're likely looking at
platter/head problems inside the drive as opposed ot the onboard
controller.  Remember that often drives have different revisions, so
you'll need to find the exact board revision if you're going to swap
the controller.  I have successfully recovered drives by swapping the
controller boards, but again it's a game of finding the exact
revision.  In your case, I don't think that's going to help, but if
the drive is unreadable, you can't really make it worse by trying :-)
