Is there an easy way to intercept mouse-click events before they hit
the window manager?  I use kmousetool to help stave off repetitive
stress injuries (it auto-clicks when you pause the mouse for a given
interval, and starts a drag event if you move the mouse within another
given interval after the click), and it's difficult to hit that short
drag interval when trying to pinpoint things like window borders,
small toolbar/panel drag handles, etc.

What I'm really after is a visual indicator that the mouse was
clicked,  preferably something relatively unobtrusive, like a slight
cursor change.  I'd like to have a solution that doesn't depend on any
given window manager, since I'm always playing around in different
ones.   My target box is running Ubuntu, so something already sitting
in the apt repositories would be ideal.

Any help/info/suggestions would be appreciated.
