Can someone please elaborate on what the consequences maybe to have these settings in place?

2.6 Tightening Permissions

First of all, feel free to restrict access to the whole /chroot directory to the root user. Of course, not everybody may want to do this, especially if you have other software installed in that tree that doesn't appreciate it.

# chown root /chroot
# chmod 700 /chroot

You can also safely restrict access to /chroot/named to the named user.

# chown named:named /chroot/named
# chmod 700 /chroot/named

For even more tightening, on Linux systems we can make a few of the files and directories immutable, using the chattr tool on ext2 filesystems.

# cd /chroot/named
# chattr +i etc etc/localtime var

I guess my questions is why would I restrict access to named...if this is what resides in chroot..? 


A project is a problem scheduled for a solution.
J.M. Juran : "Cuanta estupidez en tan poco cerebro!"