A while back one of the servers I help out with that a buddy of mine owns had a catastrophic hard drive failure. It wasn't a HUGE deal because we were slowly migrating off to a new server, but there still was some data loss. The newer server we're migrating to which I am more active in managing does not currently have redundant drives. I do a lot of off-site backup of important data, but I'm still very nervous about this situation and trying to push the owner to spend some money on more hardware. There isn't a hardware RAID controller so I am suggesting to the owner of the server to purchase a couple more disks so I can setup a software RAID solution as I've been reading up on here: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Software-RAID-HOWTO.html Questions: 1.) Does anyone have experiences they can share with setting up a s/w RAID on an existing system? (Server is a Dell PowerEdge 1750 running Debian sid with 2.4.32 - I build the kernel myself - it is currently co-located which might make remote setup interesting) 2.) We can have a maximum of 3 drives on the SCSI controller. I am pushing to get two more drives matching the current drive. I was going to use one as a scratch space / archive area and then use the other to setup a software RAID. Sound ok or something better? 3.) RAID-1 seems to be the right solution for this kind of setup (only 2 disks, exact same size) Any other suggestions / war stories are most welcome. Thanks, Josh