Funny thing the trash can icon never changes when I change a theme.


Tom Penney wrote:

>On Mon, 2004-03-29 at 18:09, Sam MacDonald wrote: 
>>I installed Fedora Core yesterday on my Compaq E500.
>>	Very nice install by the way...
>>The only obstacle I've run in to is changing the icon for
>>the Trash on the desktop. I want to change it from what 
>>comes with Fedora to more Traditional Trash can, that I 
>>know and love.
>You can't change the trash can icon in the same way you can change other
>icons because of the way the icon changes when it's empty and full. The
>only clean way I know to change it is to change the icon theme. Click
>the Main Menu (the red hat) > preferences > theme then details then
>click the icon tab and pick a different theme, Which changes a lot of
>your icons. 
>The other way I know, which is a hack, is to figure out where the trash
>icons are located and copy other icon files to the same names.    
>Mine are here (this is redhat 9 but I think fedora it's the same or
>close) :
>Bluecurve is a theme, 48x48 is the size.   
>If you can't find your icons you could run this as root to give you some
>ideas on where to look:
>find / -name trashcan_empty*
>hope this helps,
>- Tom

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