On Sat, 2004-06-05 at 09:36, Matthew S. Hallacy wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 04, 2004 at 08:46:05PM -0500, Tom Penney wrote:
> > 
> > Not true. How does the world know where to find your DNS Servers?
> > answer: They check with your registrars DNS server for the ip ddress of
> > your dns servers. If the registrar goes down you are screwed, Period.
> Uh, no. The nameserver entries for each domain are inserted into the root
> nameservers on a regular basis (2x a day or so). Your registrar being down
> has no effect on any domains you registered through them unless you make use
> of their systems for DNS.
> Domains NS records in the root zone (ie, ns1/ns2.foobar.com) have A records
> associated with them in the gtld-servers zones. (ie, ns1/ns2.foobar.com 
> will _always_ resolve as long as the gtld-servers are available, regardless
> of if your dns servers are down, or your registrar is down.

Yes, but don't the root zone records expire just like other DNS
records?  Correct me if I'm wrong because I'd really like to be sure I'm
understanding this correctly.  

I thought the records which are loaded into into the root level name
servers are loaded directly from the registrar. So when I change may
name servers with my registrar the change takes effect (at the root
level) the next time the root records are loaded from the registrar. If
the registrars server is down temporarily, no big deal, it keeps the old
records until they expire and tries to load them the next time. But if
the registrar is down for an extended period the records expire and then
disappear. If there are no records pointing to my DNS servers they can't
be found even if they are up and running. 

The root records have to expire at some point don't they? If not there
would be records floating around for every domain that was ever
registered directing traffic to old long deceased name servers. Am I

Tom Penney <blots at visi.com>

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