On Fri, Jul 02, 2004 at 09:39:00AM -0500, Dan Rue wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 02, 2004 at 09:23:11AM -0500, Josh Trutwin wrote:
> > Care to share a more inviting and friendly vimrc?
> My vimrc isn't hugely modified - but there are a few things that I like
> to do:
> set list
> set listchars=tab:\|\ "

I only set this when I need to figure out what is really there.  Most of
the time I don't care.  I did set my listchars too, but to something
more eye catching: lcs=tab:>-,trail:-,eol:$

> syntax on

Always a must.  :set ft= is your friend.

> colo evening

You must work in a bright office.  I have an inside office that I light
with white christmas lights.  Bright cyan and magenta would be painful
to look at all day.

> Anyone have any other must have vimrc options?

map <F2> :noh<CR>

  - This turns off the search highlighting until you do another search.
    I have this mapped, but I always type it in my hand.

map <C-F7> :cp<CR>
map <C-F8> :cn<CR>

  - Previous and next compiler errors.  Use :make to build your project
    and vim will parse the errors and allow you to jump between them.
    :cc will show the whole error in case it was truncated.


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