New TCLUG Classified Ad

Category: Computer

Type of Ad: For Sale

Subject: Spare Parts Give-Away

After a house-cleaning the likes of which has not been seen since the excavation of King Tut's tomb, I've found myself in possession of a large pile of unwanted electronics. The components are all in working condition, so it seems like a shame to haul it all the junk yard.

So, if anyone's interested in taking the following off my hands, please send an email to dan at as soon as possible. There's no charge, but there is one condition: you have to take everything. Getting rid of a few pieces doesn't help me much, I wanna be rid of the whole heap...

3 tower computers, at least partially functional
1 IBM scanner
1 NEC Versa 2405 laptop w/ battery
1 Toshiba "satellite" laptop
1 Apple Airport Base Station (broken)
2 computer monitors
1 NEC superscript 860 printer (no ink)
1 HP deskjet printer
2 mice
1 keyboard

Of course, I wouldn't expect anyone to commit before they browse the stack. Just send me an email and we'll schedule a time to have you inspect the goods.

Thanks, --Dan Bayn

TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota tclug-list at