On Tuesday 27 May 2003 05:19 am, Shawn wrote:
> But then we're right back at the point of saying "let's hand out other
> distro's as well instead of ONLY RedHat."  The point of the original email
> in reply to this announcement was to state the opinion that other distros
> should be handed out as well, not just RedHat.  Which I think is entirely
> fair.


I say the people who work the booth can hand out any distro they want. Just 
like an open source project, those that do the work, get to do what they 
"want". Ditto for the people who do all the leg work for getting the cds 
burned and labeled, etc. Those with the most nosphere get to do what they 

Bob Tanner <tanner at real-time.com>         | Phone : (952)943-8700
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