I read the thread from the bottom up for some reason.  I have a few
comments in regards to 'distros' being distributed.

On Sat, May 24, 2003 at 11:56:31PM -0500, Scot Jenkins wrote:
>Munir Nassar wrote:
>> can we get some more RH9 CDs to hand out?
>I don't want to start a distro war, but how about representing other 
>distros besides RedHat?  I think one of the great things about linux and
>open source is that you're not locked into one vendor's distro.  I think
>it's important to get that message out so people don't get the idea that
>RedHat = Linux.  There are always alternatives...

Yes, I agree.  
>Personally, I think Debian might be too much for a new user doing an 
>initial install without assistance.  But for a workstation, and for 
>someone who doesn't want to compile everything, it rocks.  The package
>management is far superior to rpm, IMHO.

I think this is where KNOPPIX comes into play.  Knoppix has its
downsides, like any distro.  However, Knoppix is the easiest fully
functionaly install of Linux I have ever done.  The hardest part about
it is finding the install script (/usr/local/bin/knx-hdinstall).  It
basically does this:
1) uses cfdisk to partitions your disk (not super newbie friendly)
2) copies the contents of the cd to your new partition
3) runs lilo
4) asks if you want to run a few items on startup
5) done
This process takes about an half hour, depending on your hardware.

What you get is a fully functioning system, complete with kde3 and
openoffice.org and many others.  The install uses about 2.1G of your
newly created partition.  

One think I really like about this distro is you can 'try before you
buy'.  What I mean is you can boot from the cd and see if all your
hardware works the way you expect.  Then it is a simple script to put it
on your hard-drive.  It is not perfect, but it is a great alternative to
RH9 (for newbies and the like).

One think I don't like is it is based on testing/unstable.  For myself,
this is prefered, for a newbie, I think it may lead to trouble.  

By the by,  I installed a network for a friend of mine the other day.  I
put knoppix on the workstation.  The guy loved it.  He has never usesd
Linux prior.  He asked me "Wheres the start button", before he finished
his sentence he found it.  Of course that was KDE that produced the
'start menu', but nonethless it shows that RH9 is not the only distro
that can quickly put a 'start ment' on the desktop.

Linux Administrator || Technology Specialist || Wifi Engineer
http://autonomous.tv/~spencer/resume/ || spencer at autonomous.tv
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