For minimal software on the windows server, use Putty's pscp in a
scheduled job (if you're planning on automation anyway). Yes, you'll have
two scheduled jobs, but less software to monkey around with.

If you want to scp to the windows server so that you only have one set of
scripts to work with, Cygwin or is the
way you want to go.

| scp backup files -to- an NT server?
| Seems backwards to me, but....

It's not that backwards, if you go with Linux is about cost savings.

Situation: You're introducing Linux to a primiarly Windows enviorment.
Somehow, you have to backup the Linux servers with minimum cost. Extra
backup software + hardware for Linux isn't minimum cost. You allready have
backup software and hardware on Windows, how can you use it? BackUp Exec
support Linux if you purchase a license for the Linux agent, but...

Soultions: Disk spack is cheap. Your Linux server(s) and Windows
server(s) have plenty of extra disk space. So, you use tar to create a
backup tar file, move tar file to Windows via Samba or SCP and you don't
have to purchase or setup extra software or hardware.

I did this all the time at a former place of employment. I skipped scp and
using up disk space on the Linux machines and just dumped the tar file
directly to a windows share that was automounted by automount.

Andrew S. Zbikowski |
Linux is not an Operating System.

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