> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Andy Zbikowski (Zibby) [SMTP:zibby+tclug at ringworld.org]
> Sent:	Monday, May 12, 2003 4:38 PM
> To:	'tclug-list at mn-linux.org'
> Subject:	Re: [TCLUG] iTunes music service
> $0.99 isn't saving me that much if I want to buy a whole CD though. Still
> $12-$15 for a full CD, but the CD didn't have to be made, the booklet
> printed, everything put into a jewel case, then add in package theft
> prevention, shrink wrap the whole thing, warehouse it. Ship it out to
> vendor wearhous. Vendor wearhous ships to branch stores, branch stores add
> more theft prevention, and shove it on shelves.
> They cut out all that, and still change $0.99 a song? That's as big of not
> bigger racket than eBooks, IMHO.
> Yes my palm pilot still has six eBooks loaded on it.
> But, is the bandwith and servers needed to do this really equal to the
> costs of producing media and getting the media on to store shelves?
> And only 128? :( (Not that I'd notice though the buuuuuzzzz produced my my
> hardware anyway, but still!)
> If I end up getting a Mac I might try it, but I'll still be wondering why
> it is I'm bending over. Oh, easy access to my wallet? I that all? Hmmm...
	Well, you get a CD of songs you like instead of 3 or 4 if you buy
the cd.  Now if your pirating mp3's via kaaza, then it isn't such a good

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