Jay Kline writes:
> However, a few domains that occationally get requested have bad
> information, and we would like to "blacklist" them by providing
> ourselves as the authorty for them (to just the cacheing DNS
> servers), and point them back to our own servers. The probem is you
> cannot run a cacheing server on the same IP as a full DNS server.

You need to run tinydns on a different interface, such as localhost, and
have dnscache forward requests for those domains to it:

echo > /service/dnscache/root/servers/example.com

This tells dnscache to use as the authoritative server for
example.com.  Now setup tinydns on to answer for that domain:


David Phillips <david at acz.org>

TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
http://www.mn-linux.org tclug-list at mn-linux.org