Ok- I dont want to start a flame war on this topic, so please keep comments 
related to the problem, not "re-implement the system with something else".

I have 2 cacheing DNS servers that are hit hard- (as in billions of requests 
per day, at least) In order to keep this running smoothly, we use djbdns as 
its the fastest we can find for our particular application, and we are not 
willing to change that at the moment.  However, a few domains that 
occationally get requested have bad information, and we would like to 
"blacklist" them by providing ourselves as the authorty for them (to just the 
cacheing DNS servers), and point them back to our own servers. The probem is 
you cannot run a cacheing server on the same IP as a full DNS server. Keeping 
in mind performance is a key issue here, does anyone have any suggestions to 
implement this?


Jay Kline

TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
http://www.mn-linux.org tclug-list at mn-linux.org