> Do you mean a router that supports multiple broadband connections?  or
> something that can happilly route a /29 subnet?

Yes, (/29) I think I found my router too, only $100, should arrive
tomorrow...  It's not wireless, but I can use my existing one for that.

> Personally I use an IPtables/IPROUTE2 script to handle multiple
> boradband connections, have a few boxes load balancing and fail over
> routing t1's cable  modems, dsls, and a combination there of.
> If you want something a little more mainstream  the Symantec 200R
> Firewall  does the same if you don't want to learn how to work with
> IPtables,

iptables rulz.  Even with a HW firewall, iptables comes in handy.



> On Tuesday 06 May 2003 20:00, you wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Anyone have any experience with a broadband router (preferably
>> wireless, but wouldn't have to be) that supports multiple public IP's?
>>  I was looking at the MultiTech RF500S, but some reviews say it
>> supports multiple public IPs, some say it only supports one, some say
>> it does after a firmware upgrade.
>> After googling for an hour I am not seeing many inexpensive
>> alternatives so I figured I'd ping the list.
>> Thanks,
>> Josh Trutwin
>> http://trutwins.homeip.net

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