On Thu, Jun 26, 2003 at 08:30:08PM -0400, STEVEWABC at netscape.net wrote:
> This is nuts the first thing that comes to mind IS DO YOU NEED SOME
> WINE WITH YOUR CRACKERS OR WHAT? Seting here complaining dosent go
> vary far but if help is somthing you would like then we would love
> to help you...With that said NEXT!!!

    Chad grins maniacially and thinks to himself, "Speaking of
trolls..."  He had been waiting to try out the new Trollinator 4000
Alpha 1 that Riff put together last week.  As he untangles the
monsterous gadget from it's bubblewrap and packing peanuts, he sighs
inwardly; it's a beautiful piece of work.
    After admiring the polished gunmetal barrels, the nitrogen cooling
tank, and the laser sight, he sets digs around the peanuts for a
minute or two looking for the note paper that would likely hold the
instructions.  He did manage to find a dried slice of pizza, partially
eaten, a ziplock bag full of what looked to be spare parts, a small
knitted bootie -- Chad makes a mental note to get rid of the bootie
pronto, and indeed, he finds a scrap of paper with a simple diagram
and outline.  It read:

    [ diagram omitted ]
    1. Charge Trollinator: Standard 120V, Grounded Plug for 3+ hours
        (Note, Chad, it's pre-charged.)
    2. Dial-A-Troll Setting: Choose for appropriate Troll: witty,
        amusing, moronic.
    3. Insert Missile: Any object of your choice that can fit in the
        loading bay. (Rotton tomatoes work great.  Potatos hurt!)
    4. Remove safety: There is only one, just above the thumb.
    5. Aim and Fire: Just make sure you're distributing your weight
        over the barrel of the gun.  It kicks like a mule.

    BONUS FEATURE: Target Seaking Missile.  Use the USB connection
    cable in the spare-parts ziplock bag.  Pipe the appropriate data
    (i.e.  and email message) through the device interface in /dev.
    Target aquired when light next to the site turns green.  Aim
    toward sky and fire.

    Chad grins again.  In a target rich environment, he's going to
have fun!  He grabs the gun and runs downstairs to the cat litter box
and scoops in a couple choice morsels.  He hooks up the gun to his
workstation and pipes the appropriate email through
/dev/riff/trollinator/0.  The light turns green.  Chad runs up the
stairs and launches the special package toward it's intended
recipient... You!

P.S. Read sluggy.org if you're curious about who Riff is any other
obscure reference in this completely crappy, off-topic post.
Chad Walstrom <chewie at wookimus.net>           http://www.wookimus.net/
           assert(expired(knowledge)); /* core dump */

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