On Thu, 26 Jun 2003 DonaldKGeorgi at aol.com wrote:

> Hello,
> It seems that I was chastised for bringing my plans for implementing Linux to 
> this forum. It is quite out of place when I have suffered through screens 
> full of ISP problems. (Windows have ISP's too), disk recovery problems, (those 
> who moan should have been taught a backup strategy long before first powering 
> up) and countless other sidetrack issues. If you want to be a Linux group, then 
> you should accept valid Linux strategy and planning concepts in addition to 
> challenges in building an alarm clock out of a three thousand dollar device.

so a troll roars and you tuck your tail between your legs and rnu for 

Linux is not for the faint of heart. Linux needs work and it needs a tough 

> Not too impressed!

there are very few mailing lists that impress. This is not one of them, 
but then again it is not here to impress. This is a functional mailing 
list but if it does not function for you feel free to fork

There are hundreds of people here and at any single moment one those 
people will have had a bad day and guess where that person is going to 
vent? Don like it? sorry.. but it is not just linux, it is the whole 
internet, learn to live with it.

Munir Nassar

TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
http://www.mn-linux.org tclug-list at mn-linux.org