On 2003-06-04 21:16:45 -0500 tanner at real-time.com wrote:

> Killing Linux http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,4149,1115156,00.asp
> So, I read this article. His comment that I (being part of the Linux 
> community)
> have my head in the sand just doesn't sit right with me.
> His article has lots of gloom and doom, but like most people it's "a 
> complaint".
> With no recommendation on what you should/can do.
> So, I post here.
> What can a lowly, linux user do to help fight this SCO thing? Best I 
> can think
> of is just keep moving forward, evangelizing linux.

Ignore it SCO has no case, its a PR fest.

> If SCO wins, then what?

They won't perish the thought. Novel owns all the copyrights etc.

> Suddenly Linux is a crappy operating system?

It was pretty crappy before. But then all OSes are crappy.

> Do a 180 and tell everyone you convinced to try like to stop using it?

You go get your MCSE and join the rest of the mindless drones. Did I 
say that outloud?
Actually I'd go find another career if linux suddenly went away.

> Comments?

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