Is anyone affiliated with or heard of this organization?  It sounds like 
an absolutely great program, but it has an obvious problem: "Microsoft 
Authorized Refurbisher."  Linux is the best choice for any school 
computer lab--I just hate to see our funding-starved schools wasting 
money on MS licenses.  MCFS offers a 32-seat PIII Computer Lab for 
$8700.  Imagine what percentage of that is MS licenses!  Must be 20% at 

Anyways, I thought I would see if this topic has ever been brought up 
before, either with this organization or as an independent project. 
Setting up Linux labs for schools has been a big interest of 
mine--especially setting up Linux Terminal Server labs on old 
hardware--this alone could save schools thousands, or at the very least 
allow them to open additional labs or provide a terminal in every class. 
    What do you think?


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