Aaron Thompson writes:
> the question shouldn't be: "Did it have a hole?".
> it should be: "Was it fixed (properly)? and how quickly?".

You need to determine why it had a hole and what design and implementation
practices allowed that to happen.  Doing so will allow you to determine the
likelihood of more security holes in the future.

With poorly designed and implemented software like BIND, Sendmail, WU-FTPD,
ProFTPd, etc., you can't think you found all the security holes with any
amount of confidence.  You don't make software secure by removing the bugs.
You make it secure by not writing them in the first place.

Buffer overflows and the standard C library are a great example, both
because they nicely illustrate the point and because they are likely the
biggest problem area for secure software.  It is difficult to manipulate
strings in C using the standard library, due to a number of issues:

- a pointer to a buffer tells you nothing about the size of the buffer
- strings are not binary safe
- absence of the terminator almost guarantees memory corruption
- strncpy() does not guarantee termination
- strncat() is not intuitive to use and is used differently than strncpy()
and snprintf()

(The OpenBSD strlcpy() and strlcat() functions fix the brain-dead design of
strncpy() and strncat(), but unfortunately, most programs don't use them.
While they help avoid the problem of not terminating a string, they cannot
fix the size or binary data issues.)

Given these issues, any programs manipulating strings using the standard
string functions will be potentially vulnerable to a buffer overflow, unless
the programmer was very careful to do things correctly everywhere.  A
programmer will usually make at least one mistake.  Thus, a single
vulnerability of this class means that there are likely to be other
vulnerabilities, given that other places in the program have similar

Looking at it from a different viewpoint shows that using a safer string
handling technique can almost completely eliminate buffer overflows.  The
key issue here is to solve the problem instead of simply treating the
symptoms.  Bugs are a symptom of a bad design and implementation.

David Phillips <david at acz.org>

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