johnny fulcrum wrote:

> On Wed, 20 Aug 2003 17:31:09 -0500, Tom Penney <blots at> wrote:
>> On Wed, 2003-08-20 at 15:52, Johnny Fulcrum wrote:
>>> In the future I will try to keep my ugly UNIX hacks off this beauty 
>>> of a Linux group.
>>> My apologies.
>>> Uglyhack Fulcrum.....
>> I kind of like your hack. What if you don't know the name of the command
>> but know it contains ssh.
>> ps -ef |grep -v grep|grep ssh   - Works
>> ps -C ssh   - Does Not
> Thanks for your kind words... I know that the grep -v "hack" works on :
> solaris
> "linux"
> and God forbid if you ever have to use:  Dinix (ok toatal pot shot 
> there....)
> I guess I'm always going to the lowset common demonitator....  God I 
> wish I could scripte everything
> in the bash shell calling "linux" (GNU) commands, but the stuff I 
> usally have to write has to work on ALL
> *nix platforms
> Just trying to help..... I think  (?)
>> Can't we all just get along?
> Yes we can - I overreacted - sorry to all... bad day due to a F8ed up 
> tivoli install - GOSH DARNIT why would anyone want to use Tivoli?????  
> (retorical...)
Well it could be worse, you could be using  System Management Server 
from  M$.
That system is not sane, it copies files across the network at a rate 
that is unbelievable.
An when it fails it's never right again.
Regrettably thats what I did in my last job, SMS.
Funny how I don't have that sinking feeling any more...

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