On Tue, 29 Apr 2003 11:25:55 +0600 (GMT-6)
"Mark Courtney" <MarkCourtney at MarkCourtney.com> wrote:

> If you use static IP's, and the new location uses DHCP, you will have
> to configure your Red (Internet) interface to use DHCP.  There have
> been a few new versions since I've used IPCop, so I can't tell you
> exactly how to do it.
  Thats just it.  I've completely reloaded the box with IP Cop 1.2, where I was running 1.12 I think it was.  I set it up for DHCP, per what I could find on the directions.  I'll go back and reread in case I missed something, but I don't think I missed anything during my setup on his network.


The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common.  Instead
of altering their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit
their views...  which can be very uncomfortable if you happen to be one
of the facts that need altering.   --Doctor Who, "Face of Evil"

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