On Mon, Apr 28, 2003 at 02:19:15AM -0500, Justin Haaheim wrote:
>knoppix and bbc both work well.  Knoppix will, as I remember, do a 
>better job of detecting and mounting drives.  Either way, it's pretty 
>straightforward.  BBC is quicker to boot than knoppix if that makes a 
>difference to you.
I would consider knoppix more of a 'demo' linux than a rescue cd.  It
can certainly be used as a rescue cd.  I think most will agree that you
need really _need_ kde to perform any rescue tasks.  When I need a
rescue CD I, personally, don't wan't to wait for kde to load, from a CD
no less.
just my $0.02
>Ryan Hayle wrote:
>>One word: Knoppix
>>It's one of the best distros out there--a full Debian-based system on
>>CD.  Can be used for rescue or as a complete system.

Linux Administrator || Technology Specialist || Wifi Engineer
http://autonomous.tv/~spencer/resume/ || spencer at autonomous.tv
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